2024 real estate buying strategy

2024 real estate buying strategy

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The year 2024 promises to be a pivotal one for the real estate market in Québec.

Market fluctuations notwithstanding, there is a relevant strategy you can put in place to help you save substantially on your property purchase and mortgage.

Let’s see this in details :

  1. 2023-2024 real estate market analysis :
    • Throwback to 2023
    • 2024 outlook
  2. Real Estate Buying Strategy for 2024
    • Ideal time to buy
    • Mortgage rates and opportunities
    • Pre-Notary Signature Procedure
  3. Benefits of Strategy 2024
    • Purchase price and financing
    • Real Estate Market Growth Forecasts
  4. Conclusion and Call to Action

2023-2024 real estate market analysis :

Before delving into the details of the strategy, we need to take stock of the situation we find ourselves in at the start of 2024.

Throwback to 2023

2023 was a year of significant changes in the real estate market.

Since the summer of 2022, we have seen an average 20% drop in property prices. However, the last half of 2023 saw an increase in sales volumes, a sign of market recovery in the short to medium term.

This situation is encouraging for the year ahead, since despite a tense macro-economic context, the market is showing signs of resilience and could well return to growth sooner than we think.

Find out more about our analyses of the 2023 market in our articles on the subject :

Property market outlook 2024

In 2024, fixed mortgage rates will fluctuate significantly, offering unique financing opportunities.

Quebec banks offer competitive rates right up until the summer, the key period for moving to the region.

These are the factors to consider, as the opportunity to save thousands of euros on the purchase of a property could lie in these elements. Indeed, if interest rates continue to fall, buyers could benefit from an opportunity to make a strategic and profitable real estate investment in the short, medium and long term.

Here’s why:

  1. Save thousands of euros in the short and medium term by locking in rates to take advantage of the best financing opportunities (we’ll explain everything below).
  2. Benefit from the long-term value of your property in a market that’s set to grow again, making it a high-return investment.

Let’s take a closer look at the strategy to adopt.

Real Estate Buying Strategy for 2024

The buying strategy we propose lies in the current buying momentum and the manipulation of rates for your financing.

Ideal time to buy

The recommended strategy is to target and bid on a property now, aiming for a closing in the summer of 2024.

In this way, you take advantage of the current low market prices – probably the lowest we’ll see before growth resumes – and position yourself on an undervalued property, enabling you to carry out a highly profitable operation right away.

This first step allows you to :

  • Benefit from current low market prices
  • Find a property with high long-term value potential among the multitude of offers on the market

Mortgage rates and opportunities

With the Bank of Canada’s key interest rate expected to fall, you can negotiate the best possible rate just before signing at the notary’s office, and save thousands of euros compared with a rate for the first quarter of 2024.

It’s a good idea to negotiate your mortgage rate around 30 days before signing at the notary’s office.

So, thanks to your decision to buy at the start of the year, you were able to take advantage of both low market prices and a wide range of properties on offer, enabling you to find the perfect investment or residential property.

And, secondly, you can take advantage of falling interest rates to negotiate your financing and save thousands of euros on your purchase by negotiating the best financing rate for your investment.

Procedure before signing at the notary’s office

As you can see, it’s essential to contact your financial institution to take advantage of the best mortgage rates just before signing at the notary’s office.

In this way, you can take advantage of the best economic situation to obtain the best rate and save thousands of euros compared to the current rate.

This carefully thought-out strategy really pays off, enabling many buyers to benefit from the best properties on the market while saving thousands of dollars.

To give you a better idea of the process, we’ve broken down the different stages into computer graphics:

Benefits and opportunities of the purchasing strategy

Discover the key benefits of implementing this strategy:

Optimizing purchase price and financing

By adopting our buying strategy, you position yourself to take advantage of current market conditions.

This translates into the seizure of competitively priced properties, anticipating a growth in real estate values estimated at between 3% and 5%.

Also, with the volatility of mortgage rates and the possibility of future declines, acting now could mean more advantageous financing, significantly reducing your long-term costs and maximizing your investment.

Growth projections and potential savings

Anticipating a rise in real estate values is not only an opportunity, but also a necessity to act quickly.

By taking the initiative, you can not only protect yourself against price rises, but also make significant savings on your real estate investment. This time window is crucial to maximizing your return on investment and securing a property that meets your needs while remaining financially advantageous.


The real estate buying strategy for 2024 is a road paved with opportunities, but navigating the real estate market can be complex.

For an in-depth understanding of this strategy and personalized assistance, the Lacasse Shapcott team is your partner of choice. We invite you to contact us for a detailed consultation. Our team of real estate broker Montréal is at your disposal at any time to make your real estate projects a success. Together, let’s explore how you can optimize your real estate purchase in 2024 and beyond.

To discover the rest of the strategy, go to this article :

Contact the Lacasse Shapcott team today to turn your real estate dreams into reality.

Kyle blog

Kyle Shapcott


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