Adapting your home’s atmosphere in winter

With the recent snowfalls, winter has definitely set in, bringing with it a unique atmosphere. For owners looking to sell or simply enhance their property, this season offers special opportunities to make their property stand out from the crowd. In this article, we’ll share some tips on how to adapt the ambience of your property in winter and make it irresistible.

Clearing driveways and access: a well-maintained home

First impressions are crucial. Recent snowfalls have made it essential to clear driveways and access roads. A clean, snow-cleared path to your front door is not just a practical and safety consideration; it also demonstrates the care and attention you pay to the upkeep of your property. It also makes it easier for visitors to imagine themselves in a welcoming, well-kept home.

Create a warm atmosphere with candles and decorations

Winter is synonymous with comfort and warmth. Use this advantage to create a welcoming atmosphere. Candles, with their soft light and ability to create an intimate atmosphere, are perfect for this. Add a few winter decorations – think wreaths, garlands, and other discreet but elegant touches. These small details help create a space where visitors can imagine spending their own winters.

See also our article on the advantages of selling in autumn:

Highlighting winter features

Each property has its own unique assets, especially in winter. If your home has a fireplace, make sure it’s clean and, if possible, lit during visits. This will not only add warmth, but also a cosy ambience that is much sought-after during this season. Similarly, if your property offers a beautiful view of a snow-covered landscape, showcase it. Open the curtains and let the beauty of winter in.

Watch Valérie’s advice on video!


Winter, with its charm and special features, can be a major asset in enhancing your property. By demonstrating your home’s impeccable maintenance, creating a warm atmosphere and highlighting its winter features, you not only increase its appeal but also the chances of seducing potential buyers. Take the time to take care of these details and your property will shine brightly, even under a blanket of snow.

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Valérie Lacasse

Broker and leader
